Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Movie Thoughts: Ringing Bell (1978)

  • Released: 11 March 1978
  • Directed by: Masami Hata
  • Running time: 47 min
  • Rating 3.5/5


After his mother gets killed by a wolf, the young lamb named Chirin sets out on a quest of vengeance.

My Thoughts

Watched the fandub by Silver Fang Fandubs.

An overall cute yet dark short movie. Not much to say about it. It’s charming in the first half, yet gets pretty intense in the latter half. I liked the development of Chirin and how they got away with pretty dark subjects without really showing any blood.

The one thing that bothered me was the character design of young Chirin: he has a human face, and it’s just very distracting. His adult design is totally awesome, though.

The fandub I watched was good, too, by the way. Chirin’s VA did an especially good job. My only nitpick would be that not all of the notes in the songs were 100% pure, but I’m not holding that against the dub since it’s just a fandub and obviously you can’t just conjure up a perfect singer. If you want to watch this one, I believe it does have an official English release, so you can check that one out, or maybe a fansub/fandub like I did.

Like with King Fang, though, be warned that its gets quite dark at times and there definitely is some animal death in this.


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