Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Movie Thoughts: Mamma Mia! (2008)

  • Released: 18 July 2008
  • Directed by: Phyllida Lord
  • Running time: 1 hr 48 min
  • Rating 4/5


The soon-to-be married Sophie invites three men who could possibly be her father to her wedding. Chaos obviously ensues.

My Thoughts

Yeah, very different from my usual taste in movies, but I like the occasional fun chick flick once every while. Mamma Mia! is probably one of my favorites of said genre.

It’s not a deep movie or anything, it’s just fun mostly geared towards women. With some ABBA songs mixed in. Who doesn’t love ABBA? I know my mother sure as hell tried to get me into their music in my childhood.

So while I wouldn’t call this one of my favorite movies of all time, it’s definitely fun to check out once every while. Just some light-hearted fun. The songs are fun, the plot is fun, the chaoticness of the entire situation is fun, the characters of the “aunts” are fun. It’s just a fun experience.

I don’t particularly attach myself to any of the characters, but you do want to see Sophie be happy and discover who her father is, obviously. And you want to see Donna get along with her daughter and be happy as well, especially after her keeping up an entire hotel while also raising her daughter on her own for so long.

I was slightly disappointed by there being no real resolution to the “who is the father”-problem the movie set up (somehow I had a false memory where one of them was definitely revealed to be the father), but I guess this resolution is wholesome, too. They’ll just have to share.

This is just a light-hearted fun movie. You’ll probably like it if you like ABBA or fun chick flicks in general. Just don’t overthink it or expect a resolution to the father conflict.

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