Monday, June 21, 2021

Movie Thoughts: Togo (2019)

  • Released:  December 20 2019
  • Directed by:  Ericson Core
  • Running time: 1 h 53 min
  • Rating 4/5


The story of one of the heroes of the Serum Run: the dog Togo and his musher Seppala, as they must travel the longest and most difficult leg of the relay to get the antitoxin in the town of Nome in time.

My Thoughts

A lot of people know by now that Balto wasn’t the only dog responsible for getting the antitoxin into town on time; he was simply one of the lead dogs of the last team. Togo was seen as left forgotten by the public, possibly encouraged even more by the late 90’s-early 2000’s Balto movies. So here we have a movie telling Togo’s side of the ordeal.

I quite liked this movie. I’m not 100% certain how much of it exactly was based in fact, as they no doubt took some creative liberties, but I did like the end product. I also like how they delved into Togo’s backstory much more, how he initially was an unwanted runt and later turned out to be the ultimate lead dog for the journey. It also shows Seppala’s side of the story, with him initially not accepting the young dog, but gradually growing attached to him as he proved his skills as a lead dog.

Another fact based in reality that I feel should not be overlooked is that Togo was twelve years old at the time, an age many dogs don’t even make. I can’t help but admire this dog. Of course, in the film, the journey does eventually take its toll on him, and he ends up retiring after the relay, but it was very admirable to see how this dog that is literally dying just won’t give up his lead dog position.

I just think it’s overall a really solid film and deserves to be seen. In the end, which dog got the most glory isn’t important, as what really mattered was getting the medicine to those children, but it’s still nice to see different takes on the Serum Run story that don’t just focus on Balto.


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