
Movie Thoughts is a blog where I talk about the many films (and some series) that I've recently watched. While these could be called reviews, I prefer to call them thoughts-on pieces as they're not as objective as my genuine reviews are, though they definitely share some elements of reviews as well. 

I've recently also introduced a sister-series that can be found on this site, called Series Thoughts. It's very much the same concept as Movie Thoughts, but for series instead.

Most movies and series I talk about on here will either be animated or animal-centric, as these are just my preferences to watch. 

Some rules and stuff of this blog:
  • I take suggestions, but not requests to have a gander at a movie. One suggestion per person.
  • Me reviewing one movie in a trilogy/series/etc. doesn't mean I'm obligated the rest. I may do so, I may not. It kind of depends on how I felt about the first movie.
  • Most MT's/ST's include spoilers, so read at your own risk.
  • This blog is intended for mature audiences. Reviews will sometimes deal with darker topics and/or contain swearing.
  • Series Thoughts will be posted far less frequently due to the amount of time it takes to get through a series in comparison to a movie.
Find me on Letterboxd and IMDb.


  1. Maybe The Brave Little Toaster?

  2. P.s. Just a suggestion for a film review and not necessarily a request.
