Saturday, June 19, 2021

Movie Thoughts: The Matrix (1999)

  • Released: 31 March 1999
  • Directed by: Lana Wachowski, Lilly Wachaowski
  • Running time: 2 hr 16 min
  • Rating 4/5


Hacker Neo gets enlisted by an underground movement to fight against the fictional reality he lives in.

My Thoughts

I’m really running behind with catching up on some classics, so decided to watch this one. I knew something about what it was about due to the memes, obviously, but never quite knew the depth of it. And, for what we got, I liked it.

It’s a strong set-up for future movies. I never quite knew where they were going with this, but overall really enjoyed it. The acting was great, I love the concepts introduced here, and it was just an overall good movie.

The only flaw I could really find is the romance in this: I felt no chemistry between Trinity and Neo in the slightest. They got together, but it felt like they did more out of necessity than out of genuine love. There was even some kind of prophecy about them ending up together, making their love for one another not feel genuine. Maybe the sequels will elaborate on this, but for a in this movie alone, it was a bit disappointing.


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