Monday, June 7, 2021

Movie Thoughts: Dances with Wolves (1990)

  • Released: 21 November 1990
  • Directed by: Kevin Costner
  • Running time: 3 h 1 min
  • Rating 3.5/5


Lieutenant Dunbar grows to learn about the culture of a Native American tribe, turning on his old colonialist views.

My Thoughts

Definitely a good movie. I enjoyed the emotional scenes and the characters of the tribe of Native Americans we got introduced to. I’m not a huge fan of John Dunbar himself, he’s just kind of your generic white savior dude. I did appreciate that at one point he had to be saved by the Native Americans rather than just constantly aiding them and stuff.

I still wonder why this movie couldn’t be from a Native American POV only, though. Did we really need two white people in here? What’s to stop them from making a movie sympathetically portraying Native Americans from their POV rather than some white dude denouncing his colonialism.

This movie is also a prime example of why you don’t feed wildlife. Two Socks could’ve lived if Dunbar hadn’t gotten him accustomed to humans.

Overall I’d say it’s a good movie, but keep in mind that’s just from my dumb-as-rocks white point of view. If there’s anything offensive in here, it may have slipped past me. I’m carefully recommending it, I think?

It is very long, by the way, so if you don’t have the patience for that then it’s probably not for you.


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