Saturday, June 12, 2021

Movie Thoughts: Wolfwalkers (2020)

  • Released: 13 November 2020
  • Directed by: Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart
  • Running time: 1 h 43 min
  • Rating 4.5/5


A wolf-hunter girl named Robyn befriends a “Wolfwalker” (person that turns into a wolf when sleeping), named Mebh, and now must face tough decisions.

My Thoughts

My favorite from Cartoon Saloon movie so far. This review won’t be long because everything great about this movie has already been pointed out.

The animation and visuals? Amazing. Perfectly capture the wonderful stylized storybook-esque style.

Characters? Very likable (or hateable in the villain’s case). Mebh and Robyn have such a wonderful friendship and I loved the bond between Robyn and her father as well. We get to see less of Mebh and her mother, but their implied strong connection is great, too. The villain is not the most memorable, but he serves his job as antagonist perfectly well and has a memorable death at least.

I’m so glad that in this world beautiful 2D animation is still being carried on by companies like Cartoon Saloon. I’m excited for their next release, My Father’s Dragon.


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