Thursday, April 15, 2021

Movie Thoughts: Alpha and Omega 6: Dino Digs (2016)

  • Released: May 10 2016
  • Directed by: Tim Maltby
  • Running time: 47 min
  • Rating 0.5/5


After moving to a new "safe" neighborhood called Wolfburbia, Kate and Humphrey's pups befriend a resurrected dinosaur and have to help her get back to her own time, millions of years ago.

My Thoughts

Let’s enjoy my suffering as I sit through what a lot of people argue is the worst of these already awful Alpha and Omega sequels.

First of all: the visuals. As if the animation already wasn’t bad enough in the previous ones, here the animation is absolutely atrocious. There’s literally a scene where they forgot to animate the expressions on Kate’s and Humphrey’s faces during a discussion they were having. They just left their expressions on blank. The running was still horrible, the dinosaurs look like trash, and the environments, though maybe a little less recycled-looking, are still as rough as always. There’s also visual stuff that just doesn’t make sense? Why does Amy have hair? Why did they not go with feathers? Why does the raptor not even have a killer claw, one of the most defining features for a raptor? And why does Amy look like Spike the Dragon? Why does the T-rex look like…that? WHY IS THERE A NORMAL PRESENT-DAY PORCUPINE IN A FLASHBACK TO THE CRETACEOUS? WHERE DOES ALL THIS MAGIC BULLSHIT COME FROM? WHY ARE THERE JARRING-AS-FUCK (visually) BIRD DANCE NUMBERS???? EEEEEEHHHEEEEEEEHHH???

The story was just as horrible. Like I said at the start, there’s barely even anything going on. There’s just some very minor shit to pad the running time (the pups not liking moving to Wolfburbia and the bullshit with the human characters), but the main story with the dinosaurs is just so little? I can’t believe I preferred the story of Family Vacation over this. Heck, even Leo the Lion had more going on story-wise. Also, really? Stuff has been nonsensical before, but now are we really having wolves moving into Wolf Suburbs? Wolves living in fake living areas? Why the hell? It just makes no sense? And of course that’s not even mentioning the concepts of DINOSAURS COMING BACK TO LIFE THROUGH SOME CONTRIVED MAGICAL BULLSHIT???? I know Moonkitti made a video where they encounter aliens, and, honestly, that’s not far fetched anymore with these sequels.

The pacing is once more all over the place, with tons of padding with caribou hijinks, Humphrey learning to golf, bird dance numbers and the pups complaining about their new neighborhood. I know I said Legend of Sawtooth Cave was constantly beating around the bush to extend running time, and, yes, that does still hold true… but this has it too.

The characters are just reduced to one or two bare bones traits again. I honestly also think there’s too many. Ice Age-syndrome all over again. We’ve got four human characters, Humphrey, Kate, the pups, Amy and Rex, Marcel and Paddy, the caribou, that real estate agent wolf (yes, really)… And they’re all shoved in here and don’t even get to do that much. This movie just should’ve had Humphrey, Kate, the pups, the dinosaurs and maybe a few more minor characters as major roles. The stuff with the humans is pointless, so they might as well have had some non-character archaeologists that were just mentioned or shown without revealing their faces or giving them voices. Marcel and Paddy are really just comic relief and do some bird dance numbers, but those could’ve been removed. The only thing they amount to is buying some time and distracting the T-rex if I remember correctly. Also Kate is quite insufferable in the beginning of this movie.

The music felt a little bit more original? Like, they still re-used some tracks, I’m pretty sure, but I recognized fewer tracks, so maybe they finally went out and commissioned some new ones. About time.

One thing I will “commend” this movie for is something the other sequels except Family Vacation have… more original animation and running time. If you remember my last Movie Thoughts about that film, you might still know that it features tons of scenes which were just taken from previous films as flashbacks. This resulted in an already-short movie with even less new and original material. So yeah, this movie (Dino Digs) has more original content. But really, that’s not something that needs appreciating, it should just be standard for movies to have original footage and not recycle a ton.

Just another fucking awful movie. Par for the course by now. Horrible story and animation, characters have one personality trait at most and so much needless padding.

I’m honestly putting this one only step above the worst movie I’ve see so far this year: Alpha and Omega: Family Vacation. And the only reason this one isn’t lower is because it had more original content. But that doesn’t mean it’s good or even “meh” in the slightest. It’s still a fucking atrocious excuse for a film. If you’ve ever had any interest in the Alpha and Omega films, just watch the first and then be done with it. The rest isn’t worth jack shit. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to watch The Lion King 2019 again in cinemas!

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