Sunday, April 11, 2021

Movie Thoughts: Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure (2013)

  • Released: October 8 2013
  • Directed by: Richard Rich
  • Running time: 47 min
  • Rating 1/5


After Kate and Humphrey's youngest son gets captured by evil rogue wolves, it is up to the duo and their two other pups to rescue him.

My Thoughts

“Tek, why did you first review this holiday movie in May? Also why are you torturing yourself with the Alpha and Omega sequels?”

Because I hate myself, Karen.

Okay but jokes aside I watched this piece ‘o crap today and it just had to get out of my system so enjoy me trying to convey my scattered thoughts on this thing. 

The characters are…very bare bones. They feel like only they’ve been reduced to their most basic traits of the first movie with very little development to go along with it. Kate and Humphrey also spend quite a bit of the movie arguing rather than being very in love like how they were in the first. Lily now for some reason is a battle-strategist? When she’s an omega? Shouldn’t it be Garth who’d know such things? The new characters really don’t offer much, either. King is such a forgettable villain that I honestly don’t remember a thing about him other than his name and appearance, I guess. He is your very standard bad guy character who has nothing to him. Runt, Stinky and Claudette are our supposedly new protagonists, but all the latter two do is defy their parents, and the first just climbs trees and gets kidnapped. Really, what do they do? The only character in this who has some kind of an arc is Princess, who just gets your generic redemption arc once she starts to care for Runt. But even she’s really shoved out the window because she just kinda vanishes after standing up to her father not to be seen again.

The animation is…bad. I know the animation of the first movie was quite bad already, but it looks like fucking Disney compared to whatever this trash is. The animation looks just unfinished here, it’s that rough. There’s also parts where the faces of some of the characters are just stretched way too much, making it look very goofy, and like a horribly failed attempt at squash-and stretch. It’s bad, even for a direct-to-DVD videos.

The models aren’t too great, either. I know the first-movie models already looked poor, but with the reduced quality we got here they look even worse. The wolf pups look piss-poor. They don’t emote well, they’re way too off-proportion to properly move when animated.

The seasons also change within moments. It goes from (presumably) fall (because there’s still leaves on the trees and everything) to winter in a few minutes and it’s just…weird?

The environments look even worse than in the original. In there, they already looked somewhat rough and like they could be more crowded, but over here they just downright suck with the downgrade in visuals. What also sucks? They recycle so many settings from the first movie, and aren’t even subtle about it.

The music is very much the same…recycled. It really gets old.

Just the recycling in general is a big problem. They even keep doing plot points from the first movie again (encountering grizzly bear cubs, swinging on a vine above a cliff, the truck stop, log-boarding down a snowy mountain). It just sucks that they didn’t even bother making more original plot points when they keep taking from the first movie.

The main conflict also isn’t really resolved. They save Runt, get some bears to fight the rogue pack, and that’s it. King doesn’t really get his comeuppance, he just loses and then vanishes. Wow, way to treat your main antagonist, movie.

The voice acting varied between average and really bad. Runt’s voice was so high-pitched that it was really annoying. There’s also a porcupine that, while having an adult model, had a children’s voice. Also the porcupine just shows up and then vanishes.

I’m also not even talking about the inconsistencies. Lily’s hair is suddenly back in front of her eye again; Humphrey suddenly can’t howl anymore, despite having a beautiful voice in the first; suddenly there’s a third rank we now know of called betas despite this never having been established before… It’s just an all-round mess and it feels like the creators of the sequel only paid half-attention when watching the original for reference.

The pacing is practically nonexistent. We skip from scene to scene real fast. Too fast.

Aside from this sequel being blatantly unnecessarily and constantly needlessly revisiting old assets and plot points from the first movie, it also offers barely anything in content. It’s inconsistent, it’s poorly animated, it’s just bad, obviously worse than the first one.

Do not watch this piece of shit movie. The fact that there’s like 6 more is very daunting. From my memory of the ones that I’ve seen (2-5 I think) they’re all really bad and get worse with nearly each one. Honestly, couldn’t they just have grabbed the effort and budget of all 7 sequels into one slightly better sequel rather than 7 pieces of shit? Please? Save my soul.

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