Saturday, June 4, 2022

Series Thoughts: Animaniacs 2020 (Seasons 1 & 2)

  • Released: 20 November 2020
  • Amount of seasons: 2
  • Seasons watched: 1 & 2
  • Rating: 3/5


The zany antics of the Warner siblings and the lab-mice trying to take over the world.

My Thoughts

I like the original Animaniacs. I'm not usually a comedy person, but that series made me laugh quite a lot when I watched it as a kid, and even in some later years when the more adult jokes didn't go over my head. Does this 2020 reboot stick the landing?

Eh, it's okay. I like it for the most part, but also less than the original. First things first: I've seen a lot of people say that this reboot is "too political". To these people I say, did you even watch the original? They consistently poked fun at various political figures and situations. Yes, it's different in that the modern political climate and characters are different, but it's still very much them poking fun at politics like they did in the '90s.

Do the jokes work? Not all of them do for me. I honestly find myself wanting to skip the Warner siblings segments because they more often than not just do not hold my attention and I don't find them all that funny. I like these characters, but just don't connect that well with their segments in the reboot. However, the Pinky and the Brain segments still consistently work for me and are really funny.

How do I feel about a large past of the OG series' cast being gone, with only the Warners and Pinky and the Brain reprising their roles? Honestly, for the most part I don't mind. My favorite segment always was Pinky and the Brain, so it's good that we still have them. However, I do really miss Slappy Squirrel here, and maybe the occasional Rita and Runt segment. Those weren't my favorite, but I still look back on them really fondly. So I do wish that they would return, even if it is just for a one-off segment and then not again. 

So yeah, while I like the reboot overall, it just didn't really hold my attention all that much outside of the Pinky and the Brain segments. I consider it decent, but I likely won't be checking out any future seasons.

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