Thursday, June 16, 2022

Movie Thoughts: Home on the Range (2004)

  • Released: 2 April 2004
  • Directed by: Will Finn, John Sanford
  • Running time: 1 h 16 min
  • Rating 1/5


Three cows must save their farm from being auctioned off in order to keep their home.

My Thoughts

One of the most hated Disney movies. And I for once 100% agree. God, this is such a piece of shit I'm surprised it even got made. 

Where do I even start? The visuals? Mostly ugly. I don't mind Disney having a more angular toony style, but some of the designs in this are just so ugly. The pig's heads take up half of their bodies? Two of our cow protagonists don't even have lower jaws? It hate looking at these. 

The characters? Also shit. There is not a single character I liked in this. All of them were insufferable, particularly the cow with the hat. The villain? A joke. The twist antagonist? I could tell he was one from the literal first frame he appeared in. The horse? Obnoxious as hell. 

The songs? I don't remember any of them except the yodeling one (which was an assault on the ears) and anything sung by the blonde cow. Having your character repeatedly sing off-key isn't funny, it's just off-putting to the audience. 

Honestly this movie just felt like it was insulting the intelligence of the audience. This was my first time watching it, and it'll be my only time. 

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