Monday, June 13, 2022

Movie Thoughts: Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)

  • Released: 25 March 2022
  • Directed by: Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheindert
  • Running time: 2 h 19 min
  • Rating 4.5/5


A woman must save the universe by experiencing as many different realities at the same time as possible.

My Thoughts

That synopsis is speaking very, very broadly. There's just so much going on in this movie that it'd be impossible to talk about in just one short MT post. But overall: a fantastic movie. I saw this one solely because all reviewers I follow said it was excellent, and they weren't wrong. 

The story is fun with how it starts out super mundane, with a family having their own troubles in their interpersonal relationships and paying the bills. But from there on it becomes pretty crazy pretty soon with many reality-shifting characters and the like. And I just love it. I think part of what made the movie so great for me is absolutely knowing nothing going in. I didn't watch any trailers, didn't read any synopses or anything. Just went off the word of a few reviewers I follow that this one was incredible. And I'm glad that I did.

The movie isn't afraid to get super silly sometimes, but honestly that makes it all the better to me. If they were to have taken this movie completely seriously it might've fallen a flat sometimes because the concept in and of itself is quite bonkers. But they knew when to add jokes and moments of levity and it's all just balanced perfectly. And there's some legit heartfelt moments, too! They just knew perfectly where to place them.

I will say that if you don't pay a lot of attention the movie will (obviously) be a bit hard to follow as it goes very fast and throws a shitton of concepts at the viewer lightning speed. Another thing to note for photosensitive viewers: there's some occasions of extreme flashing imagery and they didn't give any warning beforehand. I personally am not photosensitive but it was becoming much even for me. 

But that aside, this movie was just allround fantastic and I highly recommend you watch it. It's intense, it's funny, it's heartfelt. It's a great time.

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