Sunday, April 17, 2022

Movie Thoughts: Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)

  • Released: 15 August 1973
  • Directed by: Norman Jewison
  • Running time: 1 h 46 min
  • Rating 5/5


The story of the few days leading up to Jesus' death (and later resurrection), told in song form.

My Thoughts

Just flat out breaking my own rule here. I originally stated I wasn't going to review any movies tied to christianity as a religion, only fairly-detached holiday movies (e.g. ones about Santa Claus or whatever). But this movie so good it requires me to break the rule. Also, it beats reviewing Hop (2011) as an Easter special.

Honestly this movie is one of my favorites. It also breaks a lot of my standards. Generally I'm not a fan of anything overly attached to christianity or musicals, yet this is one of my all-time favorite movies. 

The soundtrack is amazing. I can listen to these songs all year if I have to. They slap. So hard.

I also like this movie's interpretation of the characters. Judas it not outright villainous, he's just uncertain of some of Jesus' morals and actions, and he obviously comes to regret his decision to sell out the Messiah. Jesus, too, I just really really like. He also just sings really good and I love his performance. Ted Neeley's performance is also great. Heck, I've even seen the musical with him in the same actor in the lead role about fifty years later and he's still fantastic. 

The film also has some interesting creative choices. Rather than having it be either completely contemporary or a in a historical setting, it goes with an odd mix of the two. Normally I think this really wouldn't work (I mean, it confused the hell out of me as a kid), but honestly it just strangely ends up coming together really well. The setting is in a dry rocky desert with some ruins and some of the costumes do look more like something you'd expect out of an adaptation of the Passion of Christ. But then there's also modern outfits, tanks, guns, jet planes, modern currency and the like. And it just...kind of works? Odd choices but put together in a competent way.

The movie can also be quite goofy at times, but just as serious and emotional in others. Overall just a great film and I do recommend it. Have an Easter or whatever.

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