Saturday, April 30, 2022

Movie Thoughts: The Emperor's New Groove (2000)

  • Released: 15 December 2000
  • Directed by: Mark Dindal
  • Running time: 1 hr 18 min
  • Rating 4/5


A selfish emperor is turned into a llama and must find his way home with the help of a peasant named Pacha.

My Thoughts

What can I say about this movie that hasn't been said already? Everyone and their grandma has gone on and on about how hilarious of a movie this is. 

It definitely is something that feels very unique in the whole Disney lineup, especially with the Renaissance so close behind us. Rather than a serious musical with some minor comic relief, we get a story that is much more cartoon-y and a constant laughing riot. 

That said, for this first time trying out something new like this, they completely succeeded. The Emperor's New Groove is hilarious (as mentioned above), looks great, has a fun soundtrack, has great villains and is just overall a memorable experience. 

Honestly, my only complaint with this movie is the somewhat-forced "break-up" between Pacha and Kuzco at one point. Like, yeah, I get that you want to have a "lowest point", but it did feel forced and like the characters just needed to be apart for a few minutes. It really was just that, a few minutes, since they soon re-united.

It's definitely different from the stuff Disney tried before, but it nonetheless succeed and is a laughing riot.


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