Friday, January 20, 2023

Movie Thoughts: Benji (2018)

  • Released: March 16, 2018
  • Directed by: Brandon Camp
  • Running time: 1 h 27 min
  • Rating 3/5


A stray dog befriends two kids and comes to the rescue when they are kidnapped by two robbers.

My Thoughts

For the record, I have never seen the original Benji movie from the '70s this is based on, so I have no clue how accurate it is. What I do know is that this is pretty much a modern reboot, considering it's set in the 21st century. But I don't know if any of the plot or character details are the same or changed.

We meet Benji, a rowdy but also friendly stray dog who befriends two kids, Carter and Frankie. Their father died a while back, and their relationship with their mother is strained, which leaves the duo feeling lonely. So they are delighted when they meet their new canine friend. However, during a visit to a store where they wish to buy back their late father's watch, they both get kidnapped due to being witnesses to the robbery that was about to take place. Benji will have to step up and rescue them.

Honestly this is just a very generic dog movie. Stray dog befriends kids, kids have to hide the secret pet, something bad happens to kids, dog becomes a hero and almost dies, dog turns out to be all right and gets adopted by the family, heartwarming moments ensue. Standard stuff. 

My biggest gripe is that this movie doesn't really have anything to set it apart from other standard dog-and-kid movies I've seen. Sure, the plot details are often different, but they're just so often similar or same-y that they start to blend together. I've seen so many live-action "kid befriends dog" movies in my life that unless they do something unique that stands they just don't do much for me.

As is the case with Benji. It's not bad, it's generic. I will give them credit for putting the kids in actual peril, so it's not just a relatively minor thing such as a kid getting lost or something, but other than there really much to this? Not really, if you ask me.

Honestly, the main thing I can bring up is the child acting, which wasn't good. Carter's acting is pretty okay, but Frankie's is just...bad. Not the worst I've ever seen, but still bad. I also didn't like her character. Carter was pretty okay, but Frankie just came off as unlikable to me. Granted, she got better quickly and I like that she also warmed up to Benji pretty much instantly rather than dismissing him, but still, she wasn't introduced greatly. The way she was written in her introduction kinda made it come off like she was full of herself (and not in a fun way, but in an annoying kind of way). 

So yeah, a very standard movie with not-so-great child acting. I'm not saying it's bad by any stretch of the imagination; it's perfectly harmless and serviceable should you be interested in watching it. But it's just too mediocre to give it a high score or even really have much to talk about.


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