Sunday, January 30, 2022

Movie Thoughts: The Rescuers (1977)

  • Released: 22 June 1977
  • Directed by: John Lounsbery, Wolfgang Reitherman, Art Stevens
  • Rating 1.5/5


Two mice set out on a quest to rescue a kidnapped orphan girl. 

My Thoughts

This is not a Disney movie I have fond memories of. I think I've actually only seen it once before in my life, but that watch definitely was not in my childhood, so there's no nostalgic value to this movie for me. 

This is just one of my least favorite Disney films, to be honest. It doesn't look good, the characters are uninteresting, the villain is lame, I don't care for the soundtrack, etc.

It's just such a weak movie. The visuals still have the sketchy style and it doesn't work here. It also has some character designs I can't stand, Medusa being one of them. The mice also don't have whites to their eyes, which makes them look rather unexpressive. Honestly, the only good thing about the visuals is the backgrounds, but even those are constantly drab.

The villain is arguably the worst aspect of this movie. Medusa is not memorable, not fun, not charming, not intimidating, not nothing. She's just a stock villain, and from Disney I've come to expect better. She doesn't even have an interesting goal, literally all she cares about is getting this one damn diamond, that's it. No grander motivation or scheme. Just wanting to get rich.

I don't care for our main characters, but the worst offender when it comes to our characters of the side of good is probably Penny, the orphan. They tried so hard to make you feel bad for this girl by making her oh so pwecious that there literally is nothing else to her character. She's an archetype, not an actual character, and because of this I don't care bout her. Her voice acting wasn't all that good, either.

So, yeah, just a disappointing movie. Really nothing else to say about it.

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