Monday, October 18, 2021

Movie Thoughts: Land (2021)

  • Released: 12 February 2021
  • Directed by: Robin Wright
  • Running time: 1 h 29 min
  • Rating 4.5/5


A depressed woman moves into a mountain cottage in the middle of nowhere to get away from it all and survive by herself. She ends up befriending a local hunter, who serves as her guide on how to live out here.

My Thoughts

Cinemas are back open again, which means I have a lot of catching up on visits to do. So I'm sure as hell going to consume a lot of movies now that I finally can again. Today, we're looking at Land.

This was honestly just a beautiful movie. I know I don't watch these types of movies a lot, with me mostly gravitating towards either animated and/or animal-centric movies, but I do like my more intelligent mature films once every while, of course. 

Land tells the beautiful story of a woman who lost everything. Her coping mechanism isn't the smartest one (she almost ends up dying a few months into her hermithood due to freezing and starvation), but after befriending Miguel, she turns out to be a fast learner. He also makes her realize that she does in fact still want some company in her life, just not the usual friends and family she has left. 

Honestly, the friendship between Edee and Miguel is the best part of the movie. I really do love movies about people trying to survive in the wild (such as Into the Wild) due to my love for nature, but I surprisingly ended up really liking the relationship between our lead and the hunter. He completely respects her wishes to be kept in the dark about the outside world and gives her kindness after kindness. 

Then there's the heartbreaking twist when he stops showing up to her cabin. Uh oh, doesn't look good. So after years of living on her own now (sans a dog given to her by Mighuel), she sets out on a quest back to civilization (on foot, mind you) to find out what happened to her friend. The answer: he's dying of throat cancer.

That just hit really hard, especially after their friendship was so incredibly strong. Heck, Miguel was the best thing in her life since she lost her family. And now she's losing him too.

Just an overall really beautiful but also really heartbreaking movie. 

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