Monday, March 18, 2024

Movie Thoughts: Pride: Rulers at Risk (2014)

  • Released: 2014
  • Directed by: Reinhard Radke
  • Running time: 48 min
  • Rating 3.5/5


A documentary about a pride of lions.

My Thoughts

I've honestly watched the Pride documentary duology in the wrong order, watching Days of Danger before this one. Oh well. You can still watch them out of order and not be confused, since they're pretty self-contained while also being a continuing story.

Rulers at Risk follows our pride as the males fight to keep it and the females struggle to keep their cubs safe and alive. 

Much like the sequel documentary, this is a beautifully-shot and intense watch with quite a bit of information interspersed. Also gets quite dark and depressing at times, there's quite a few dead lion cubs in this, but c'est la vie when it comes to nature documentaries unfortunately. 

So overall I'd consider this a good watch, but I do recommend you watch the duology in order, unlike me. Like I said, you won't be lost if you watch either part without the other, but seeing the whole continuous story of the pride is probably the most satisfying.

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