Saturday, August 6, 2022

Movie Thoughts: Tangled (2010)

  • Released: November 24, 2010
  • Directed by: Nathan Greno, Byron Howard
  • Running time: 1 h 40 min
  • Rating 4/5


A girl who was raised sheltered in a tower goes outside for the first time to live her dream.

My Thoughts

This was honestly one of the first modern Disney movies I watched that I really liked. After Bolt, I just kinda lost my care and interest for the movies Disney were producing. I liked what Pixar put out fine, but after Bolt I just stopped caring. None of these modern movies (or even many of the older ones) really looked appealing to me and I was starting to reach that age where I thought I was too old for Disney movies and only occasionally watched the ones I liked from my childhood (The Lion King and the like). Then one day I was bored at an acquaintance's child's birthday and they were playing a movie, this one in fact. It was the Dutch dub (if you know me you know I usually hate those), but even despite that I just got really, really hooked into this film. The trailers didn't sell me on it, but actually seeing it for the first time most certainly did.

Because, overall, this is a fantastic movie. Great characters, amazing animation, lush environments, full of both emotional and funny movies, one of the last truly evil Disney villains before the twist-villain-virus struck. I was hooked, and I still love this movie a lot. 

Is it perfect? No, it definitely has its flaws, most notably Gothel's whole design and being being pretty antisemitic. Like I said before, I do like that we have a truly evil villain here that is built up to be an antagonist from the start, but that combined with her design and the whole "steals children" gimmick, not so great. She does her job fine as a villain in and of itself, but the whole combo just feels icky. This is also my only major gripe with the film, and the reason it doesn't have 4.5-5 stars. 

Overall this is a really good movie, but this aspect definitely must be acknowledged as well. Same with Disney's Hunchback, you can acknowledge something is good while also acknowledging the flaws in it. 

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