Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Movie Thoughts: Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018)

  • Released: 20 July 2018
  • Directed by: Ol Parker
  • Running time: 1 h 54 min
  • Rating 3/5


After her mother's death, Sophie struggles to re-open her hotel in Greece.

My Thoughts

I quite enjoyed Mamma Mia!, so I eventually would have to see the sequel, of course. Is it good? It's...decent.

I definitely personally enjoyed this one a whole lot less. I thought it was just a bit too long. The most interesting bits weren't what was taking place in the present, but the flashbacks to Donna's past. 

Honestly, I don't think killing her off was a smart idea. Donna was about my favorite character from the last movie, so to barely see her in the sequel wasn't that great. I do care about Sophie and the glimpses into Donna's past are interesting, but I just wanted to see more of older Donna. Maybe they couldn't get Meryl Streep that much for some reason, I don't know. Either way, I'd have preferred if this had been a Donna-centric prequel rather than a sequel. Or, if they did insist on a sequel, to keep Donna alive for longer. Heck, they could've killed her off in the movie itself rather than offscreen for extra sadness points.

The movie does still have some fun moments, great songs and does pull on your heartstrings (especially the scene in the church at the end, Christ) but I don't quite enjoy it as much as the first.

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