Monday, September 13, 2021

Movie Thoughts: Army of the Dead (2021)

  • Released:21 May 2021
  • Directed by: Zack Snyder
  • Running time: 2 h 28 in
  • Rating 3.5/5


A group of people travels into a zombie-overrun Las Vegas in order to rescue a couple of million bucks from a safe for a casino owner.

My Thoughts

I don't really often watch heist movies, let alone zombie heist movies. That said, I do enjoy me some post-apocalyptic media. I haven't kept up with The Walking Dead for nothing all these years.

I honestly thought that the combination of a heist movie and a zombie apocalypse is quite ingenious. It's not just people trying to survive, it's people trying to survive while going on a suicide mission in order to get rich. It made for a pretty fun combo.

I also liked some of the characters. Scott was a likable protagonist, and I also quite enjoyed Peters, the Coyote, Dieter and Vanderohe. That said, you'd better not get too attached to any of them, seeing how in the end only two of our main squad make it out of Las Vegas alive, one of which has been bitten by a zombie and will thus continue to spread the undead-virus to the rest of the USA. Not a very cheerful ending, but it definitely hits like a rock when you realize just how utterly wrong everything goes. Even Kate, the only one who survives, doesn't get anything out of it. She lost her father, there's no money, it's just all for nothing in the end.

The CGI and makeup was pretty good.  My favorite feature from this film was probably Valentine, a zombie tigress. She only had a few brief appearances, but she's awesome when she's on screen nonetheless. A zombie animal made for a nice change of pace with all the human zombies we see in media these days.

Overall this was just an enjoyable zombie heist movie. It's nothing great or outstanding, but I had fun and may even watch it again sometime in the future! 


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