Friday, May 28, 2021

Movie Thoughts: Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta (2012)

  • Released: 18 September 2012
  • Directed by: Lev L. Spiro
  • Running time: 1 h 29 min
  • Rating 2/5


Papi, Chloe and their pups must solve a mystery regarding their new home in a grand hotel, while their runt-of-the-litter Rosa feels left out.

My Thoughts

The last one of these, and if you ask me, by far the worst. The first BHC movie I enjoyed much more than I’d ever expected, the sequel is just fine for the most part, and then there’s this. Not for me. Ah, well, let’s dive in.

This is honestly such a weak movie. We went from the great journey of the first, to the high stakes of Sam’s family losing their home in the sequel, and now this? Solving a hotel mystery? It just feels such low stakes and I wasn’t even remotely interested in what was going on. Rosa’s part of the story felt forced and not very engaging, either.

The characters were weaker, too. Chloe is a bit stuck up here again, which I really disliked. She doesn’t quite listen to Papi. Papi is okay and he finally has a main character role in this movie, like the advertising of the first film promised from the get-go. Rosa is just your generic shy runt character who doesn’t have much to her. The other pups are blank slates again. Pedro gets a love interest who is very mean to him, yet they still get together. The villains are so incredibly underwhelming I don’t even recall a thing about them. It’s just one big disappointment. Also, Delgado? My favorite character? Yeah, he shows up for like a couple of lines and leaves.

There’s also some logical issues in this movie. For example, it’s never explained why Chloe now suddenly lives with Sam and Rachel. She’s Viv’s dog, and Viv loves Chloe more than anything. Yet she’d just give her dog away like that? It’s never brought up that this is a temporary thing, either, it’s just never addressed. Then there’s also the whole anthropomorphism part of this movie. 

In Beverly Hills Chihuahua 1 and 2, the level was fairly similar. They do have a human-like intelligence. Despite this, they still behave mostly like dogs and do dog things. There are some stretches of the imagination (such as Chloe playing the piano), but it was mostly fairly grounded. Then in this movie, the dogs suddenly are capable of throwing parties by themselves? Of standing upright and playing guitar like humans? They’re way more human-like in this movie for whatever reason, and it just does not align with the first movie and its sequel.

Now let’s look at some other elements. First of all, the acting was fine. Nothing great, but okay.

The music was okay, too. It has some of the same themes playing throughout, but I feel like there was a good mood to the soundtrack. The only exceptions to this were the musical numbers some of the dog acts that audition for Rosa’s party.

The CGI on this was mostly okay. I don’t think they used many digital stand-ins for the dogs here, as most of the actions were pulled off by the dogs themselves or by having the filmmakers use fake paws. The mouths on the dogs were okay, but I don’t know what happened to Pedro’s smile. In movie two, it looked mostly fine, but here it really looks quite awful and fake.

The humor was of course childish and hit and miss, with plenty of potty jokes to go around. Ugh.

After a surprisingly good first movie and a pretty decent second, I’m just let down by the threequel. Not like I should have had any expectations to begin with, but damn, the first two were actually giving me hope. This last movie is without a doubt the weakest wheel holding up the Beverly Hills Chihuahua-chariot.

Not recommended. If you do feel so inclined to watch some of the BHC movies, just stop after the second.

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