Hi guys, just a quick update on this blog's inactivity!
In case you haven't realized it yet, this blog hasn't been updated in a while. This has various reasons, but bottom line is I am currently not able to watch as much stuff and especially not write a lot of Movie Thoughts/Series Thoughts.
I do still watch stuff occasionally, but currently I am not writing new posts about them. I am instead focusing what little time and attention I have left to my book review sister blog, since this is where my passion lies primarily at the moment. I do still like watching movies/series and writing about them, but currently I just don't have the means to keep updating both blogs, so I have chosen to focus on the book one for now.
I have a few more posts in my backlog which I may post from time to time, but writing new posts is currently off the table unless I really am passionate about a piece of media I watched and happen to have the time and energy to post about it. I'm not saying posts on this blog are cancelled, just that I'm keeping it on hiatus for an undetermined amount of time.
I will not be deleting the blog and all old posts will remain up, so you can still re-read them should you be interested, and as said in the previous paragraph I may still publish some of my backlog reviews so you at least have some new content during the hiatus.
I hope I gave you enough information this way. I feel bad about not being able to keep up both blogs anymore when I managed to for a few years, but with some personal issues going on as well as me having a full-time job now it just led to a huge review-burnout and I simply am not able to do both right now. Books it is, then.
This is goodbye for now! Remember that for the most active updates you can follow the updates Twitter and Tumblr. These two are the most active sources for post/blog updates. Should this blog become active again you will read it first there.
Also, if you want to keep up with my watching habits, remember that I have an IMDb and a Letterboxd.